Shoppers warned following purse thefts in Handforth and Wilmslow

Shoppers warned following purse thefts in Handforth and Wilmslow

Police are urging members of the public to be vigilant after a number of purse thefts incidents in Cheshire East. During the past few weeks there have…
Plans to convert vacant bar into retail premises refused

Plans to convert vacant bar into retail premises refused

Plans to convert a vacant bar into a retail/commercial unit with three apartments above with apartments above have been refused. Urban Space Capital Grove…
Wilmslow’s community champions recognised

Wilmslow’s community champions recognised

The inaugural Wilmslow Community Awards ceremony took place on Thursday 16th May, at Wilmslow United Reformed Church with the winners nominated by members…
Childen's services at Cheshire East rated inadequate

Childen's services at Cheshire East rated inadequate

Ofsted undertook an inspection of local authority children's services in Cheshire East between 26 February 2024 and 8 March 2024. The inspection report,…
Arighi Bianchi is holding its acclaimed Outlet Event again this Friday (and next)

Arighi Bianchi is holding its acclaimed Outlet Event again this Friday (and next)

Promotional Feature For a limited time only, Arighi Bianchi is once again opening the doors to its popular Furniture Outlet – that has savings of…
Wilmslow Town Centre marketing company Trust Leads is expanding

Wilmslow Town Centre marketing company Trust Leads is expanding

Promotional Feature Trust Leads based in the heart of Wilmslow in St Anns House are looking to expand their already established team to grow to the increasing…
Transforming Smiles: Private  Orthodontic Care for under 18s

Transforming Smiles: Private Orthodontic Care for under 18s

Promotional Feature Is your child self-conscious about their smile? Do they avoid showing their teeth in photos or when meeting new people? At Kissdental…
Driver loses control and mounts parked vehicle in supermarket car park

Driver loses control and mounts parked vehicle in supermarket car park

A driver lost control of their car in Sainsbury's car park on Sunday, 12th May, and mounted a parked vehicle. Police were called to reports of a collision…
Plans for two detached homes on site of former builders merchants

Plans for two detached homes on site of former builders merchants

Plans have been submitted to build two detached homes on a vacant site off Chapel Lane which was previously occupied by S C And P Jones builders merchants.…
Events to mark 40th anniversary of local charity

Events to mark 40th anniversary of local charity

This year marks the 40th anniversary of Wilmslow Wells for Arica which was founded in 1984 by Brenda Mottershead. The local charity has been providing…
New Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire sets his objectives

New Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire sets his objectives

Dan Price has today, Thursday 9 May, taken office and begun his four-year term as Cheshire's Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) following his election…
Driver loses control and mounts Aston Martin sports car

Driver loses control and mounts Aston Martin sports car

A driver lost control of their vehicle on Water Lane on Tuesday, 7th May, and ended up mounting an Aston Martin which was parked on the dealership forecourt.…
Wilmslow town centre to host Bank Holiday family music event

Wilmslow town centre to host Bank Holiday family music event

Promotional Feature After a sunny Bank Holiday weekend, we're ready to kick start the summer in style. Make a date in your diary for the Wilmslow Live…
Share your views on local bus services

Share your views on local bus services

Cheshire East wants to know what you think of local bus services and what would encourage you to use them more often. A consultation launched today (Tuesday,…
Drivers issued with tickets for parking on pavements

Drivers issued with tickets for parking on pavements

The reoccurring problem with parking on Cliff Road, which has been safety hazard to wheelchair and pushchair users for many years, resurfaced this weekend…
Labour candidate elected as Cheshire’s police and crime commissioner

Labour candidate elected as Cheshire’s police and crime commissioner

Dan Price has today (Saturday 4 May 2024) been elected as Cheshire's police and crime commissioner. The result was declared at the DCBL stadium in Widnes…
Residents invited to nominate a new Wilmslow building for good design

Residents invited to nominate a new Wilmslow building for good design

Local residents are being asked if they have noticed a new or redeveloped building in Wilmslow or Handforth which was completed in 2023 whose design they…