Featured Event
Infant & Junior School: 9am - 1pm
Seniors & Sixth Form: 10am - 2pm
We will be throwing open our doors on Saturday 5 October for prospective families considering joining King's. All three Divisions - Infants & Juniors, Seniors and Sixth Form - will be open, and you can visit as many as you'd like. Our pupils will act as expert tour guides and you will be able to visit all areas of the school. This event allows you to:
- Tour our 80-acre campus and see our extensive teaching, learning and sporting facilities
- Talk with the Head and Principals, and listen to their presentations
- View departments and classrooms, where activities will be on offer for visitors
- Talk to the teaching staff, pastoral team and Senior Leadership Team
- See some of the netball, rugby, hockey and other sporting activities taking place
- Meet our pupils and hear from them about school life
- Enjoy music, entertainment and refreshments
- Discuss entry procedures with the Admissions team