Wilmslow organisations awarded community grants

Wilmslow Parish Hall Committee and Wilmslow Business Group are amongst those set to benefit from the latest round of grant funding from Cheshire East Council.

Wilmslow Parish Hall Committee have received a grant of £250 to purchase speakers and microphones for the hall. The total cost of which is £500. Whilst Wilmslow Business Group (WBG) have also been awarded £250.

Steve Morris, Chairman of the WBG said "This money will go towards the Wilmslow Christmas Festival - to support local businesses and thank all our customers for shopping locally."

These grants are available to support community, environmental, sports, arts, heritage and play projects. Only one grant can be awarded to each organisation per financial year and applications are judged on a number of criteria. Applicants should be able to display that their project: enhances the quality of life for Cheshire East residents; increases involvement in the community; demonstrates the potential to be sustained in the future and that it can attract more participants.

Councillor David Brown, Cabinet member with responsibility for performance and capacity, said: "These grants show how Cheshire East Council is working with other groups to improve community life.

"We have worked hard to ensure that the chosen projects improve life opportunities and health for people in Cheshire East.

"Applying for a community grant is very easy to do and I hope that other groups will be persuaded to do so in the future."

More information on Community Grants can be found on the Cheshire East Council website

Cheshire East Council, Grants