Coronation Street star to switch on Wilmslow’s Christmas lights

Samia Image for press (1)

Wilmslow Town Council is thrilled to announce that Coronation Street star and local resident Samia Longchambon will be switching on Wilmslow's Christmas lights this year.

Wilmslow's Christmas lights switch-on event takes place this coming Saturday - 19th November - commencing at 10am with the opening of the Christmas Artisan Market on Alderley Road.

There will be festive music in the town centre during the afternoon.

Santa's reindeer can, this year, be visited at the entrance to Wilmslow High School (Holly Road side) from 2.30pm until 4pm.

At 3.45pm, Stagecoach Performing Arts will perform a Home Alone Christmas medley next to the reindeer pen at the High School before joining the Santa parade.

At 4pm, the reindeer will prepare to pull Santa in his sleigh from the High School to Wilmslow Library Gardens, the 10 minute parade will move along Holly Road North before turning right and passing along Parkway and to the library.

Families are encouraged to line the pavements of Parkway to get the best view of Santa in his reindeer sleigh and then to visit the reindeer in the Library Garden.

The lights switch-on hub will be at Bank Square, where WFA's Callum Garner and new Town Centre Manager, Lisa Russett, will host music and entertainment from 3pm. This year's line-up includes Rock Choir, Wilmslow High School's Jazz band, Cheshire Youth Pantomime Society (CHYPS) and Ashdene Primary School Choir.

Following the big countdown with Santa, Samia Longchambon will switch Wilmslow's Christmas lights on at around 5pm.

Wilmslow's Christmas Lights Switch-on will mark the start of the 'Wilmslow Winter Wonderland' season of events, which include a synthetic ice rink at Bank Square for the weekend of 9th – 11th December and a 'Twelve Days of Christmas' programme of free and chargeable festive activities, running from 13th – 24th December.

Frank McCarthy, Chair of Wilmslow Town Council, said: "As we come to the end of a momentous, historic and challenging year and head towards a new era, on behalf of the town council and all its councillors we hope these events can shine a light on the town and bring some much-needed joy and happiness."

Angela McPake, Vice Chair at Wilmslow Town Council, added: "Christmas is undoubtedly one of the highlights of my year and I am so pleased that between Wilmslow Town Council and the BID, we have a really fantastic plan for the festive season. We may all need something to look forward to and the programme really does have something for everyone."

Lisa Russett, new Town Centre Manager, said, "This year's programme of Christmas events is really comprehensive and there is so much for people of all ages to enjoy right up until Christmas Day. "From a full day of events and a weekend of ice skating to workshops and feel-good festivities, it is shaping up to be Wilmslow's biggest and best Christmas yet. So come along, get involved and please make some time to support the town's businesses too – they would love to see you this winter."



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

David Smith
Wednesday 16th November 2022 at 10:04 pm
Ah, the Christmas Tree Lights!
Remember this from last year?

Does anyone know what happened to the 'old' lights?
Did WE the Wilmslow residents actually own them?
If so, were the old ones chucked away or perhaps sold and if so how much did WE get for them?
As Mr McCarthy is now chair of Wilmslow Town Council [replacing Mr Wadkins] perhaps he could find out and let us all know in a reply here on - before the lights are turned on.
I mean they must have been worth a few quid at least.
The link says the new lights are an 'investment' over 3 years.
Does that mean we are paying for them in instalments over three years and will then actually own them outright to then bin them in time for a new set in 2024?
Or are we paying someone to put them up & down three times for a total cost of £100 THOUSAND pounds and they will never be OURS but sort of rented 3 times for a chunk of OUR money?
In which case perhaps the 'old' lights were perfectly ok.

What do you think?