An intriguing puzzler


Wilmslow Guild Players’ next production is the intriguing puzzler "Take Away The Lady" which focuses on Matthew who, returning home from prison after serving fifteen years on the charge of having murdered his mother, finds his three sisters, his wife and his father waiting for him.

Still protesting his innocence, his arrival prompts the question of who did kill Mother - scornful Celia, dotty Emma, cold Lavinia, flighty Gilda or even gentle Father? Accusations and hypotheses abound, but it takes an apparent suicide, and a good deal of amateur sleuthing, before the truth is revealed and the lady can be taken away.

The play is written by Jimmie Chinn and is being directed by Grace Reed, a long standing member of the Guild Players and experienced director. "I chose to direct the play because I felt it was a bit different to the usual Who Dunnit, in that you have to work through the family to get to the solution” said Grace. "The final solution is only reached after tension in the family."

"The way the play is written gave me the idea to present it in a different period to that suggested by the playwright," continued Grace. "I like to design my own sets and costumes for a play that I am directing to enable me to have control over the whole production."

Grace is working with Marion Dean as assistant Director. "We are on the same wave length," she said, "and she has not only helped in the directing of the play but she has designed the artwork of the set and we have worked on the costumes together."
The play runs from 24th to 27th March at Wilmslow Guild on Bourne Street. Tickets cost £5 and can be booked via online, by email or by calling 01625 520126. 

Photo caption: Emma, played by Caroline Lucas, considers the cards in Take Away The Lady.

Theatre, Wilmslow Guild Players