Acclaimed Medium returns to Wilmslow

David Traynor Wilmslow Apl 14 feature copy

Promotional Feature

David Traynor is coming back to the Wilmslow Royal British Legion Club on Grove Avenue, on Wednesday 30 April. This is the result of a splendid evening here in February when, not only did he give accurate messages to members of the audience but also a number of Spirit Art drawings of people's relatives in the Spirit World. No wonder he is hailed as one of the most gifted Spirit Mediums in this country.

Doors open at 7-30pm and his demonstration of Mediumship begins at 8.00pm. Prior booking is advised. Visit his website to pre-book discounted tickets or telephone 01457-870036 for reservations.

David Traynor is Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Clairsentient – that is, he can See, Hear and Sense the Spirits that come through to him. Good Mediums usually have two of these attributes, so David is one of the rare ones with all three gifts. In each demonstration David will also now produce Spirit Art - sketches drawn by Spirit, of themselves or loved ones, which are a tangible memento of their communication.

David doesn't just hear Spirit, he truly does communicate with them and so they tell him who to go to and what to say. When you come to see David Traynor communicate with the Spirit World, you will experience Mediumship as it should be. David goes direct to people in the audience so there is no random raising of hands from the audience with people clutching at names and dates trying to insist the message is for them. Messages will often give descriptions of the Spirit, names and much evidence to prove that the Spirit still watches over you and takes part in your life.

Be sure not to miss David Traynor on Wednesday, 30 April at 8pm. Click here to view David's tour dates.

David Traynor