Revised plans for Adlington Road development

adlington rd

Jones Homes has submitted revised plans for a residential development to be accessed off Adlington Road.

Permission is now being sought to build 193 dwellings, reduced from 203 in the previous application, on the 10 ha site on the north eastern edge of Wilmslow. The scheme includes the demolition of outbuildings, open space, highways works and associated infrastructure.

The affordable housing provision has been revised following a request by the Council to provide an element of affordable bungalows for the elderly. This has resulted in the percentage of affordable units on the site being reduced from 30% to 25%.

Ten affordable bungalows, which are to be rented to the elderly, are now included in the scheme and the remaining 38 affordable properties are two or three bedroom dwellings.

Others changes have been made following discussions with officers at the Local Planning Authority and in response to the main concerns raised by the local community.

These changes include: redesigning the properties that front onto Adlington Road to reduce their mass and closeness to the road; relocating the affordable housing to create 4 separately accessed areas; increasing the distance between existing properties on the site boundaries and the new properties and enhancing the proposed landscaping scheme - particularly on the Adlington Road frontage.

Additionally, the internal road network has been amended to introduce trees, hedges and greenery and varying road widths and a pond and wet marsh area has also been introduced to mitigate for the pond and marshy area that will be lost.

The development will include a mix of two and three storey housing ranging from one to six bedrooms in size - in total there are 52 different houses proposed on this development.

A Proposed Section 106 Agreement includes £291,000 for public open space, in lieu of provision on site, to be used for improvements to the existing Browns Lane Recreational Ground; £183,000 contribution for off site recreational/outdoor sports and a £392,225 educational provision.

Additionally Jones Homes will provide a footpath connecting Adlington Road with Wilmslow Park Road and Varden Bridge; widen the footpath at the front of the site; widen and lengthen the flare on the A34/Summerfields roundabout and funding for a Traffic Regulation Order to reduce the speed limit on Adlington Road from 40 mph to 30 mph - which will be in place prior to any of the dwellings being occupied.

The New Homes Bonus from Central Government will also provide up to £3 million from this development.

The revised plans can be viewed on the Cheshire East Council website by searching for planning application 14/0007M.

The last date for submitting comments is 15th May and a decision is expected to be made at a meeting of the Strategic Planning Board on Wednesday 28th May.

Adlington Road, Jones Homes, Planning Applications


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Peter Attwell
Tuesday 22nd April 2014 at 4:30 pm
The revised plans for the development near my property shows no sign of increasing the distance between existing properties on the site boundaries and new properties. Jones Homes needs to be much more open if it is not to be accused of issuing misleading headlines. No doubt Cheshire East councillors will believe Jones Homes rather that the people who voted for them.
Tress Attwell
Tuesday 22nd April 2014 at 4:32 pm
As usual the headline Revised Plans for the Adlington Road Developement taking into account the main concerns of the local community is wholly misleading.
We learn that a pond has been added but the one at the end of our garden is still having three houses built on it. (Buyers beware of subsidence)
Five houses are still to be built around our garden boundary with two of them actually almost touching our hedge. So much for the quote ..' Increasing the distance between existing properties on the site boundaries and the new properties '....
Come on Jones Homes practice what you preach.
Mark Goldsmith
Tuesday 22nd April 2014 at 4:52 pm
Why does this need an £395k "Educational Provision" if people from Cheshire East are to be housed here?

That is the argument Michael Jones puts forward as to why we need the new homes - for somewhere for locals to live.

So why the cost for extra education? Err, because people from outside CE will come and live here. So now we see the reality vs the lies. Oh and the £3m of MY MONEY paid as a sweetener to Cheshire East to accept the development must help too.

Dear Michael, George et al - don't expect my vote again anytime soon.
Kathryn Blackburn
Wednesday 23rd April 2014 at 10:49 am
Would the planning department at CEC look at the pages of their planning application site 14/0007M and revise the date order so that it does not appear that the plans dated 8th April 'revised' are not there as they are at page 1, 2 and three rather than at 18, 19 and 20.
Further more I placed an objection on here 2 days ago. It has yet to appear. I am not alone.

I agree with the above comment @ Attwell. My own property's amenity and privacy has received the same treatment. No alteration to either the position next to my boundary hedge, no windows facing my property, to be obscured. There remains the loss of a large pond which we know to have newts, the loss of ancient hedgerow,venerable trees ,loss of habitat to badger, deer, bat - the amount of 'mitigation' promised does zero to offset the damage done by this development. There two listed buildings at risk. Dean Row asa rural hamlet loses its identity. Road safety is at risk. Air quality is at risk.

The question you must ask of yourselves Councillors is this development of a greater benefit for the wider community if the current residents who outnumber those who will possibly come to reside here lose their benefit from residing here and for what good reason, after all what are Jones Homes doing here at Adlington Road - they are merely providing new luxury dwellings for the commuter. The amount of affordables has already been reduced, and we are all well aware that the section 106 agreement will allow them to negotiate to reduce this figure downward again if not allow them to entirely remove affordable housing completely in due course. Yes, surprise , it is not the open market property that has been reduced in number.

I ask dear reader that you once again join us in objecting to this development please go to the planning application 14/0007M and save Dean Row from development.
Wednesday 23rd April 2014 at 5:35 pm
Wow! - a footpath, "52 different houses" (all, of course, in the mock tudor style), and money to try and offset some of the problems caused by the development. Thanks, but, no thanks.