Part night street lighting planned for winter

The next phase of works to cut carbon emissions and costs, by switching off some street lights is scheduled to begin shortly.

Cheshire East Council plans to introduce a 'Part Night' operation into residential areas across the Borough this winter - to realise further savings as part of its carbon reduction programme.

Following trials, the Council modified its plans so that every other light will be switched off between midnight and 5.30am, to avoid whole areas being switched off over night.

The second phrase also includes 'trimming' the operation of some street lights so they switch-on later and switch off earlier switch-off, controlled by the ambient light levels, which could realise approximately one hour of savings every day.

It is estimated that the second phase of works will change the operation of a further 6,700 street lights (3,300 to Part Night and 3,400 trimmed).

Councillor David Topping, Cabinet member in charge of the environment, said: "Cheshire East Council is making changes to street lighting as part of its efforts to cut carbon emissions, reduce light pollution and save money whilst keeping the safety of Cheshire East residents very much in mind.

"Following successful trials and consultations, phased operations commenced at the end of 2012 to adjust around 1,700 lights, which equates to 4.5 per cent of all lights in the Borough.

"Of these, 700 have been switched off; these lights are mainly on inter-urban routes with lights at junctions or intersections remaining. Around 1,000 lights have been dimmed to approximately 60 per cent of normal strength - not a noticeable difference to the naked eye.

"Phase Two of the operation is due to start this winter once planning, information briefing and operational details are complete. Sessions have been held with local members to inform them of the impact of these changes on their areas. Members, parish and town councils and residents will be updated in advance of operations starting.

"Currently the plan for Phase Two is to introduce part night lighting to around 3,300 'alternate' lights between 12 midnight and 5.30am in residential areas across the Borough. This equates to less than 10 per cent of the 38,000 Council-operated street lights.

"In addition, approximately 3,400 lights will be 'trimmed'. This is where light sensors are set to switch at predetermined levels meaning lights come on a bit later and go off slightly earlier saving around one hour per day, per lamp. Also, a number of lights will be dimmed.

"The safety and wellbeing of residents and motorists is always a prime consideration and we continue to work closely with the fire and police services to ensure this is achieved. We will be taking into account areas where anti-social behaviour is prevalent as well as sheltered accommodation."

The Council estimates that the annual carbon and energy savings for changes made to date are 322 tonnes and £60,000 for energy. The annual savings relating to carbon and energy for the proposed changes are estimated at approximately 260 tonnes and £50,000 per year respectively.

Cheshire East Council, David Topping, Street Lights


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Peter Davenport
Tuesday 5th November 2013 at 8:29 pm
The Council's efforts are laudable. However, as all shop doors in all Cheshire East are open all day in the winter, what is being saved by the Council, is minute to the saving if all doors were shut during the opening hours. Then they could be praised.
Sarah Dixon
Tuesday 5th November 2013 at 9:32 pm
This might be a good idea if pot holes were first filled in... Difficult to see them in the dark... Unsafe.
Steve Kennedy
Tuesday 5th November 2013 at 10:56 pm
Do you own a shop in Wilmslow Peter...just curious.??
Julian Barlow
Wednesday 6th November 2013 at 11:20 am
The council must be praised for this marvelous initiative. Just to confirm, the deal is that we pay huge amounts of council tax and in return, we receive a half hearted waste collection service and now, partially illuminated streets. Wow! Their cost saving creativity knows no limits-Not that you would be able to see them anyway, it's too dark. But why stop here? imagine the water we could save if we just threw our bodily waste from an upstairs window? Imagine the carbons we would save if we simply rode into town on the back of a Dickensian street urchin. Imagine being thrust back into a world that existing 100 years ago, where the local Mayor wore a shiny new, publicly funded ceremonial chain whilst those who paid for it scrabbled around in the darkness, surrounded by rubbish. Imagine that.
Christine McClory
Wednesday 6th November 2013 at 1:00 pm
I agree with Sarah. Please fill in the potholes and straighten our pavements first.
Craig Wilkinson
Thursday 7th November 2013 at 8:48 am
any body thought that if every other street light was switched off, instead of lots of consecutive lights on many roads that are dangerous,then there would be money saved with the least cost to safety?
Chris Hayes
Tuesday 19th November 2013 at 2:55 pm
Maybe our esteemed councillors could just be paid for every other week as well.