Take a fresh look at Lindow Common


Cheshire East Council is encouraging residents to take a fresh look at Lindow Common this half term.

Five new information boards have been installed telling the fascinating story of the origins of the Common together with details of the flora and fauna flourishing over the seasons. The paths have been resurfaced with sandstone grit to make walking around easier.

Lindow Common is celebrating its 50th anniversary as a Site of Special Scientific Interest and is a nationally important and extremely rare lowland heath. The Common has a diversity of habitats from the ancient dry heathland to the very important mires and bogs, all supporting different plants and animals some of which are extremely rare.

Ranger Paul Hughes said "Public response to the information boards has been great, including one lady who considers them to be beautiful. I don't think we can get better than that."

Cllr Rod Menlove who chairs the Lindow Common Advisory Group added "We are keen for as many residents as possible to take a fresh look at the Common, their Local Nature Reserve. The new boards provide enough information for every visitor to discover the special qualities of a site rich in history and rich in wildlife without causing damage to the very things they come to enjoy. We are immensely grateful to Wilmslow Town Council for the grant monies that have made these improvements possible."

For further information visit the Cheshire East website or call 01625 383700.

Cheshire East Council, Lindow Common


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Dean Fitzpatrick
Saturday 19th October 2013 at 2:40 pm
Great work, looking forward to viewing them with the boy this weekend.
Mark McCall
Sunday 20th October 2013 at 12:13 am
Let's be careful showing this Green area of land, CEC might propose to declassify it so that they can start building on it
Nick Jones
Sunday 20th October 2013 at 6:07 pm
Additional to Mark McC's observations above ...... the car park could be a very attractive local authority controlled resting place for our frequent town visits from the itinerant travellers and ..... looks like it could be a CEC win win !!
Terry Roeves
Tuesday 22nd October 2013 at 7:09 pm
Lindow Man should be a major tourist attraction. Have an information/visitor centre, even a museum. Must be central funds available.
Richard Minton
Tuesday 22nd October 2013 at 9:29 pm
Jeez Mark don't give them ideas,
Anyway it's not the councils land It belongs to us the people of Wilmslow
And it used to be a fun place for children in summer and winter,
Fishing , radio controlled boats , cycling and in the winter ice skating and riding bikes on the ice etc. that was until the council dug out the black lake to a dangerous depth , and stopped all that fun . Oh yes and made a complete hash of the water table into the bargain .
If they want an SSI look no further than the end of Newgate OMG it's a peat bog , with a petrified forest . Get on and look after that CEC
Rob Sawyer
Wednesday 23rd October 2013 at 10:17 pm
Richard is right that Lindow Moss/Peat Bog - a short trip down Newgate deserves close attention and protection from all concerned. Maybe a well presented and preserved bog with a visitor centre helping people learn about Lindow Man and the development of raised mire bogs.