Fabrice Muamba officially opens medical centre

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Having been through a programme of modernisation in preparation for registration with the Care Quality Commission the grand unveiling of the new Kenmore Medical Centre took place on Saturday, 29th June, when it was officially opened by Fabrice Muamba.

As part of the programme the Medical Centre underwent a single storey side extension with a two storey rear extension incorporating a lift and the creation of a new disabled compliant entrance and staircase. Additionally, the pharmacy has been brought into the main building, with improvements to bring it in line with modern day standards, and a new purpose built Endoscopy suite has been created.

Kenmore partner Dr Javed Sheikh, who conceived the idea and delivered the programme said "I am delighted with the new and modernised facilities at Kenmore Medical Centre and the opportunities that arise for future service provision both for primary care services and also for the bringing traditional hospital based services into the community. I would like to thank all of our staff and patients for their support and resilience in putting up with the colossal disruption during the building works."

Fabrice Muamba, Kenmore Medical Centre


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Aidan Killoran
Thursday 18th July 2013 at 9:24 pm
It is staffed with very good Doctors and front line staff and now we have a great New Surgery with all sorts of treatment areas as well and new unto date Doctors Rooms.Very Nice job as well as there must have been some stressful times during the build.