Nurse Sue retires after 23 years of caring


It was the end of an era at Wilmslow Health Centre last month as Sister Sue Duncan finally hung up her uniform and prepared for retirement.

For 23 years Sue had been the caring face of nursing at the Health Centre which was reflected in the number of patients booking in to see her during the last week, not for health reasons, but to be able to say good bye and good luck.

Dr Brennan, senior partner at Wilmslow Health Centre, reflected on Sue's long and committed service to the patients and presented her with an iPad as a way of thanks for all she has done and in reflection of the depth of feeling held for her by all the staff at the centre.

In departing Sue said to her colleagues, "I just can't stop smiling. All of this was just so unexpected"

Wilmslow Health Centre


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Dave Cash
Sunday 9th June 2013 at 10:47 pm
Well done Sue. After a long career in nursing, you can now plan to keep active during a well-earned retirement, (or not). The choice is finally yours.