Invitation to attend Annual Town Meeting


All residents are invited to attend the Annual Town Meeting which will be held at Wilmslow Parish Hall on Thursday, 25th April.

The Annual Town Meeting is not a council meeting but a meeting of the residents of the town, providing an opportunity for residents to put questions and express their views about issues affecting Wilmslow.

The meeting will commence at 7pm with a report from Jim Crockatt Chairman of the Town Council, followed by reports from Town Council committees.

Wilmslow Groups will then be invited to report on their activities during the year.

All those present will be asked for their name and address when speaking and only registered local electors may speak unless the meeting agrees otherwise.

See our events calendar for the full meeting agenda.

Annual Town Meeting of Wilmslow, Wilmslow Town Council


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Dave Cash
Tuesday 23rd April 2013 at 3:07 am
I would urge any Wilmslow resident to accept this Invitation.

In business terms, it is the Annual Shareholder's Meeting of your 'Company', when your elected Board (WTC) is held to account for its decisions & finances over the last last 12 months and proposes a plan for next year (Annual report).
With many controversial topics in 2012/13 (planning apps, speed limits, ST Lounge SE Licence, Wilmlow Plan, loss of Romany caravan, Moor Lane private gypsy site) the final decision is taken by CEC, was WTC stance sufficient?
WTC have made several Grants available to local Organisations, your chance to register your approval or disapproval? and comment on this year's proposed clean-up, Wilmslow in Bloom expenditure and attempts to revive Wilmslow business.
Whilst the draft Agenda allows Wilmslow groups to report on their activities in 2012/13, any ind resident can offer an opinion on any Agenda item, or make new recomendations at any stage.

How can WTC improve transparency without relying on Press releases to local nedia?
WTC website includes approvbed Minutes for all full Council & Committee meetings to Mar 13.

The only reccomendation missing from this AGM will be payment of Shareholder Dividend.