Weather forecast changes Wilmslow Half Marathon parking arrangements


As a result of recent weather and the forecast for the weekend, organiser of this weekend's Wilmslow Half Marathon have had to make alternative plans for car parking.

It is unlikely that runners will be able to use the rugby pitches and farmers field for parking on Sunday, 24th March, so parking will therefore only be available on the surrounding roads.

Nick Bishop explained "Whilst there will be marshals available to assist, it always takes longer to park vehicles when the car parks are unavailable.

"Runners are therefore asked to arrive earlier than usual and car-share where possible.

"Early arrivals will be able to park closest to the start. Late arrivals may have to park a considerable distance from the start, so allow plenty of time to get to the start."

Runners must not park on A538 Altrincham Road or the coned off section of B5166 Styal Road.

See our previous articles for details of the road closures which will be in place for 2013 Wilmslow Half Marathon on Sunday.

Wilmslow Half Marathon