Future of Romany's Caravan still undecided


The future of Wilmslow's smallest tourist attraction is still undecided.

Romany's Caravan, which belonged to the famous wild life broadcaster Reverend George Bramwell Evens, was removed from the Romany Memorial Garden in South Drive last December.

Urgent restoration works, funded by donations from members of the Romany Society, have now been completed and a new home is being sought for the caravan which has lived in Wilmslow for more than 70 years.

It was hoped that Romany's caravan, which is owned by Cheshire East Council, would return to Wilmslow after restoration, but the Romany Society and Cheshire East Council are concerned that it is better protected in the future from vandalism and the weather.

Both the committee of the Romany Society and Cheshire East Council have spent a lot of time looking at potential new locations and are considering moving the Vardo to the Bradford Museum.

However, within the Romany Society opinion is divided with some members feeling that the caravan should be returned to Wilmslow where better protection should be provided.

A Cheshire East Council spokesman said: "Nothing has been decided and the Council is still awaiting a decision from Bradford Museum about whether or not they would like to accept the Vardo as part of their permanent Romany exhibition.

"The proposed move to the Bradford Museum is supported, not only by the majority of Romany Society Committee members, but by Romany's own family who are deeply concerned about the deterioration of the Vardo if it is left outside once again.

"The Vardo has been displayed in the Wilmslow Memorial Garden for many years and the weather has taken its toll.

"Over the last 20 years exposure to the harsh elements has caused excessive damage to the roof, sides and base and the Vardo is now just 75 per cent authentic.

"But the good news is, the Vardo has recently been refurbished by the UK Vardo Project in Conway, who are specialists in this area of restoration.

"The refurbishment was funded by the Romany Society and its' restoration is impressive and now all efforts should now be made to ensure that it is not exposed to harmful elements in the future.

"The UK Vardo Project informs us that the Vardo is also at high risk of theft and vandalism if left outside, following the reported emergence of a 'black market' for such heritage items.

"We clearly need to do what is best for Romany's Vardo so that its heritage can be enjoyed by future generations to come."

Cheshire East Council, Romany's Caravan


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Dave Cash
Friday 14th September 2012 at 5:29 pm
Readers, visitors and residents can record their views at the Wilmslow Artisan Market on Sat. where the organisers' have donated a Charity stall to the raise funds for the Romany Society and promote Public awareness.