Temporary garden centre open for business


Following the fire at Wilmslow Garden Centre in June, the company is delighted to inform customers that a temporary garden centre building is now open on the site.

The temporary garden centre offers customers a comprehensive garden centre shop, coffee shop, craft shop and Christmas department alongside the existing outdoor plant area.

On site concessions Rainbow Play Equipment and Cheshire Spas and Swimming Pools are also open.

A spokesperson from the Klondyke Group said "The company would like to take the opportunity to thank all customers for their kind comments and support over the last few months and look forward to welcoming customers old and new to the garden centre facility."

The huge fire which devastated the centre on Wednesday, 29th June, is believed to have been caused by an electrical fault. As a result, four large greenhouses were completely burnt out and at the height of the incident 70 firefighters tackled the blaze.

Wilmslow Garden Centre


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Helen Goddard
Tuesday 1st November 2011 at 12:14 pm
I was absolutely delighted to make a visit to the garden centre this last weekend. People of Wilmslow and surrounding areas please visit to lift the spirits of the staff after such a devastating tragedy.

To the Klondyke Group, please make a proper brick built animal building away from the main buildings.

Keep up the good work.
Helen Jones
Tuesday 1st November 2011 at 3:35 pm
This is a success story, something very positive for Wilmslow.
The temporary building is amazing, and the staff have worked very hard to make it welcoming, attractive and stocked with really lovely items both for all year round AND Christmas.
The plants are top quality too and the best bit ....................... all the wonderful staff are back!
Welcome home team!