Tories control new Parish Council


The Tories are celebrating after taking every seat in Wilmslow's new Parish Council.

Wilmslow has fifteen councillors representing the four wards and every one of them is Conservative, making it another clean sweep for the Tories following yesterday's borough count for the Wilmslow wards.

The count for two contested wards took place at Macclesfield Leisure Centre today, Saturday May 7th, where Ellie Brooks and Trevor Jones were announced as the new councillors for the Lacey Green ward.

Gary Barton has also been elected alongside his brother Paul Barton, Christopher Dodson, Keith Purdom and Hilary Shepherd to represent the Wilmslow West Ward.

The new councillors for the uncontested Dean Row ward are Jim Crockatt, Don Glover, Joanne Milnes and Martin Watkins whilst Matthew Hodgson, Joan McCrane, Ruth McNulty and Sue Menlove will represent Wilmslow East.

Photo: Gary Barton who has been elected as both a borough and parish councillor.

Local Elections, Parish Council


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Stuart Redgard
Tuesday 10th May 2011 at 12:37 am
Does anybody know when and where the first Town Council Meeting is going to be held?
Barbara Hughson
Wednesday 11th May 2011 at 10:57 am
Quite disappointed over this result. I had hoped that Wilmslow residents were a bit more imaginative and a bit less tribal! Commiserations to non-Tory candidates, well done for at least having a go.