Tidy Up uncovers old stations gardens

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Styal Station hosted a "Big Tidy Up" following the successful event held at Handforth Station a few days earlier.

On Tuesday 15th March, thirty people turned up including local residents, Northern Rail office workers, the Community Rail Officer along with representatives from Incredible Edible Wilmslow and the National Trust.

Secretary Rob Sawyer, said "Lots of flora and undergrowth, that had been left to grow for 40 years, was cleared and two apple trees were planted which should bear fruit for rail users in future years.

The team also located the old STYAL lettering on the side of the cutting which had formed part of the award-winning garden created in the late 1930's. There are now plans to reinstall the lettering later this year.

Former Styal stationmaster Harry Jackson, aged 91, came along to inspect progress and was suitably impressed.

The event was supported by Northern Rail, British Trust for Conservation Volunteers (BTCV) and Friends of Styal Station.

Visit www.styal-station.org.uk for more information.

Friends of Styal Station, Styal Station