Simon Dunn supports ITV's charity auction


Simon Dunn donated a prize of a year's supply of chocolate for a charity auction in support of The Five Stars Appeal last week.

Laurence Llewelyn Bowen hosted the charity auction at Alderley Edge Festival Hall on Thursday, January 20th, which was filmed for ITV's new primetime show "Auction Party". The auction, which will be screened in February, saw The Five Stars Appeal go head to head with The Christie to raise as much money as possible for their charity.

Oliver Dunn told me "I met Laurence Llewelyn Bowen during a filming break, he was very pleasant and thanked me for the donation.

"I presented him with a small chocolate model of himself which he was overwhelmed with and responded 'it's like looking into a chocolate mirror and seeing myself in chocolate'."

Laurence Llewelyn Bowen proudly announced "People have always told me if I was made of chocolate I'd eat myself, and now I can!"

Oliver added "He was very grateful for the gesture and efforts in support of The Five Stars Appeal and hopefully he'll be having one of our Simon Dunn chocolate parties for his children in the future."

The charity auction at Alderley Edge Festival Hall raised over £7000 to be shared between the two charities.

The Five Stars Appeal has been raising funds for Royal Manchester Children's Hospital for over 30 years. Their current project is the Five Stars Scanner Appeal and aims to raise £1M for a new MRI scanner. Visit for further information or call Nicola Smith on 0161 798 8936.

Five Stars Appeal, Simon Dunn