Burglars strike at four homes in one night


Four properties in Wilmslow were targeted by burglars in one night over the festive period.

About 7pm on Wednesday 29th December offenders smashed a small pane of glass at a semi detached property on Racecourse Road which is undergoing renovation. The owner heard the smashing glass and shouted at the offenders who escaped having failed to gain entry or steal anything. A second attempted burglary took place during the same evening in Manor Close.

Then burglars in the Lacey Green area of town gained entry to a flat in Bolleyn Wood Court where a copper, gold and silver bracelet was stolen along with a black beaded necklace and matching earrings. The break in is believed to have taken place about 9.45pm and two hours later another flat in the same block was broken in to and various items including a television, laptop and aftershave were taken.

Inspector Matt Welsted said "This was an unfortunate evening as December was a very good month for burglary reduction in the Wilmslow area. The whole of December saw just 7 burglary dwellings and 4 attempts being reported to us and as you know 4 of these offences were on the 29th. Two of these were definitely linked as they were two separate flats in the same building.

"We have had a number of reported incidents involving suspicious males in cars which I would actively encourage. If you think something is suspicious then don't hesitate to call us."

Inspector Welsted added "Wilmslow's very low number of burglary dwellings are almost entirely made up of two types of offences. The first is where the doors are left insecure and the offender simply walks in and steals what they can carry, or a nice vehicle is parked on the drive and the keys are left on display in the house.

"Therefore lock your doors and identify a location such as a drawer or key hook within your house to hide your keys."

If you have any information regarding these burglaries please contact the Cheshire Police on 0845 458 0000 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Burglaries, Crime