Local charity's inaugural coffee morning raises over £1100

BN Coffee Morning Mar 23 Lg group

Held at the Guild for Lifelong Learning, in Wilmslow, Around 80 people turned up to drink coffee, eat cake, buy tombola tickets and generally have a good chat all whilst raising funds for a local toiletry bank.

Bare Necessities' first coffee morning, held at the Guild for Lifelong Learning in Wilmslow, proved a bug success raising over £1100.

Chair, Wendy Hobson commented, "We were thrilled so many of our supporters and friends came to the event. Every month we need around £3000 to support the 32 local charities and organisations that we supply toiletries to and the coffee morning has helped us to boost that."

For further information on the charity, box locations and how to donate online please visit the website www.bntoiletrybank.org

Photo shows Wendy (3rd from Left) with volunteers, trustees, Tim Hughes (2nd from Right) from the Co-op Foundation and Alexandra Woodburn (far Right) from The Guild.
