Local schools make big contribution to 2022 Wilmslow Poppy Appeal

This year's Wilmslow Poppy Appeal, which ran for two weeks, raised a total of £8,766.32.

Nearly half of which was raised by local primary schools in Wilmslow, Handforth and Styal along with Wilmslow High School, who between them collected £4,053.96.

Shan Bristow, Poppy Appeal Organiser, said "Thank you to all the staff, parents and children in all those schools who contributed generously to this magnificent total. Many schools organised special assemblies to make Remembrance meaningful to pupils and students."

The remaining money was raised in local shops, community venues and Sainsbury's supermarket.

Shan added "Thanks to all venues for their co-operation in this community effort and especially to the many volunteers who manned the Poppy products table for the six days leading up to Remembrance Sunday. It was rewarding for all involved to be part of this generous giving.

"A special mention must also go to the well behaved and efficient 1st Wilmslow Cubs who joined volunteers on the Poppy products table throughout Saturday collecting money, speaking to the public and displaying their Art work." (see second photo above).

In addition there was a Poppy Appeal table at Waitrose, figures for which are not included in the above total.
