'Count down' until demolition of vandal-hit former pub

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Police are counting down the weeks until a derelict building in Handforth, which has become a target for vandals, is demolished.

Officers were called to the old Mermaid Hotel on Friday, 11th November following reports of youths smashing the windows.

PCSO Harding & PCSO Yates attended the site, which has stood dilapidated for a number of years, and checked the building inside and out saying "Count down till it comes down!!"

Responding to a Facebook post asking when the building is being demolished Councillor Julie Smith replied "before Christmas apparently".

Plans to demolish the former pub and replace it with houses were approved in July 2022.

Red Oak Taverns have been granted planning permission to develop 7 houses with 3 bedrooms each on Delamere Road along with 14 car parking spaces.

The plans can be viewed on the Cheshire East Council website by searching for planning reference 21/5423M.
