Frustrated, determined, jobless

BBC Filming Larry Lamb,Archie Eastenders 002(1)

It has taken me a few days to come to terms with what has happened following Famous, Rich & Jobless being televised last week. I am an everyday family man, and being honest feeling desperate, this is a situation I have not been in before.

As a last chance I have taken a massive gamble to go public, thanks to local people the response has been positive, but I do feel I have been let down by the BBC. I know people will say well this is the chance you take which I agree with, but the truth is the bigger story that has never been told. I feel the BBC decided to focus on a family, who for their own reasons have already given up, with nothing to lose. I have everything to lose, my family, pride and any chance of a future.

Larry Lamb as an intelligent man realised the programme was flawed from day one, hence his reaction to people asking him to seek work. If Larry Lamb presented himself on your door step with a camera crew in tow you would offer him work. As a business man this is a fact , it would be the cheapest advert in town.

I feel Larry decided to focus on the issues, which a programme on unemployment should be all about. I also know Larry was aware this would make him unpopular with the programme makers, but did he care? - no. Did he care about me Maria and Jack? - yes he did. We filmed for 4 days, Larry was so frustrated about the issues he found; premium rate numbers to ring job centres, poorly trained staff, government initiatives which staff know nothing about etc, etc.

I am sorry but I am so frustrated, we really had a story, but because of ratings it was not told. Famous Rich Jobless peaked at 4.2 million viewers, a programme shown after which got to the issues peaked at 1.75 million. I do feel people should be aware of the real issues, I was a tax payer since I was 17 years old. As it stands the facts will never be shown on television because it is not entertaining, but in recent months I have campaigned on my own about the issues. At first I thought it was just me, but I was finally given contacts via Sarah Brown, the Prime Minister's wife, who dually said she cannot get involved, which I fully understand.

I have in recent weeks received a full letter from the Department of Work and Pensions apologising for the failings of Wilmslow Job Centre Plus. I have a meeting arranged this week with the acting Northern Director, none of which was shown in the show. I do feel in some respect the programme may well have taken the lid off a can of worms, but that is only due to my persistence in getting to the truth. I will be meeting with these people this week, but I have lost 12 months out of my life, 6 of which I spent thinking I was expecting too much.

I will keep everyone in touch with my progress, but on a positive side I have an interview with Virgin Media very soon, which was all down to I also would like to thank all the local people for their kind words and support. I arrived home after taking Jack to school the day after the show in tears, so many people stopped me and said you did well. I thank you all so much, from the bottom of our hearts, and feel sure I will not give in.

I only ask, I need your help for my story to be told, I have no political views at this moment, but I do feel this is an important subject which should not be hidden prior to an upcoming election. I put my faith into the BBC to tell the whole story which has not happened. I need your help, speak to your MP and let them know the real facts.

I appreciate all that Lisa has done at, without her input I would not have been given the publicity, but believe me my fight has only just started. I am open to any help and advice people can provide and I must also stress that these are my thoughts and not associated with  

BBC, Famous Rich Jobless, Mark Shields, Television