Decision due on controversial plans for new residential development at Wilmslow Park

Plans to demolish a detached house and replace it with a development of four new detached houses within the Wilmslow Park area of Wilmslow are set to be determined by the Northern Planning Committee next week.

Wilmslow Park (GB) Limited are seeking permission to demolish a 1930s property situated on a 0.462 ha site on Wilmslow Park North and replace it with four detached houses of variable sizes. Plot one, which is the first house on the approach to the site, would be smaller than the other three.

All four houses would be served by a private drive with access from Wilmslow Park North and each house would have three parking spaces.

The application has been called in to committee by Councillor Fox for the following reasons "Plot 1. Insufficient parking - 2 space for a 4 bedroomed house. DC6. Circulation and Access. No swept path analysis for refuse vehicles. Insufficient daylight amenity within the site. Excessive loss of trees on site. Plots 3 & 4 with accommodation in the roof space close to neighbouring boundaries and impact on neighbours privacy. Impact on street scene from the protected Bollin Valley - street scene should be submitted. Cross sectional drawing demonstrating relationship with neighbouring properties; Oak House, Woodbank and Garth Heights should be submitted as they are significantly lower than the site. Distances from Plots 2 & 3 to Flats 7 & 14 of Garth Heights should be clarified. Similarly the distances between Plot 1 and Woodbank. Contrary to The 3 Wilmslow Parks SPD - out of character and appearance of the area. Height, mass, bulk and density would be an overly cramped, incongruous, discordant, alien feature in this location and be detrimental to the visual amenities and character of the area."

Wilmslow Town Council's Planning Committee have recommended refusal of the scheme on the grounds of "overdevelopment of the site in terms of the proposed scale and height and therefore overbearing on neighbouring properties. The proposed development is out of character with the area and contrary to the Wilmslow Three Parks Planning Guidance document. The scale of the proposed loss of trees would also have a detrimental impact on the character of the area".

Over 90 individual letters of objection from neighbouring properties and the local area have been received by Cheshire East Council. The points raised include: out of character; overlooking and impact on privacy, road inadequate due to blind bend; contrary to the draft neighbourhood plan; overdevelopment/cramped; loss of trees and it would affect the views from the Bollin Valley.

Having considered the issues raised the Planning Officer considers the proposals to comply with National and Local Policy and is therefore recommending the application for approval by the Northern Planning Committee on Wednesday, 14th August.

In a report prepared for the Planning Committee the Planning Officer stated "The application is considered to address the issues raised in the Inspectors decision and crucially the visual relationship to Wilmslow Park North. It is considered to comply with policies SD2, SE1, SE2, SE3 and SE5 of the Cheshire East Local Plan Strategy; saved policies NE11, DC3, DC6, DC9, and DC41, of the Macclesfield Local Plan and the overarching umbrella of the Wilmslow Parks SPD and the Cheshire East Borough Design Guide.

"The very minor shortfall in respect of DC38 and the internal spacing within the scheme is acknowledged but a good standard of amenity for existing and future occupiers will be achieved."

A previous application (reference 17/3115M) for a residential development of six dwellings at this site was not determined and an appeal dismissed in February 2018.

Northern Planning Committee, Wilmslow Park Road


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Sheba Thompson
Tuesday 6th August 2019 at 4:18 pm
Planning decision due? It's already a done deal if Cheshire East has anything to do with it!
Jon Armstrong
Wednesday 7th August 2019 at 9:16 am
Arguing that it's out of character with the area is a bit odd... Wilmslow Park is a hotchpotch of probably more than a dozen different styles of house covering over a century, from Edwardian villas to 1970s modernist bungalows to 2000s footballer's houses to three storey town houses and many more. Whatever other faults the proposal may have, they would be no more of of character than most of the houses already there are with most of the other houses there.
Roger Bagguley
Wednesday 7th August 2019 at 10:06 am
Jon. Your observation is quite correct clearly illustrating the fact planners have been able to disregard the guidance given in the Three Parks document designed to protect the character of each of Wilmslow, Pownall and Fulshaw Parks. Now the character of Wilmslow Park is largely destroyed it is the case planners must respect the amenity at individual points. Thus at Blackford we have an original house in a large garden and the document calls for this to remain a feature at this point in the Park.

To assist this the Wilmslow Neighbourhood Plan does not wish to have any more original, large houses replaced by cul de sacs. Sadly an aspirationq, not a piece of legislation.
Desmond Williams
Wednesday 7th August 2019 at 7:21 pm
Wilmslow Park development.I agree with the Town Council in rejecting this development for the reasons stated and East Cheshire should reject it.I am astonished that the planning officer seemingly ignores the environmental impact this proposal will have.It is in my opinion
a desecration of the local characteristics which are well established and should be preserved.To rebuild one or even two properties on the site would be acceptable providing
the design of the houses and their immediate effect was with great sensitivity handled with
great care.The present intrusive scheme should be rejected and preservation of the local characteristics preserved. Desmond Williams OBE.
Maria Quin
Thursday 8th August 2019 at 2:39 am
As Jessie Jay would sing - “It’s all about the money, money, money!” Unnecessary, disgraceful lack of respect for any objections - however relevant they are.
I’m looking forward to the day Madam Karma makes these greedy bandits pay for their misdeeds!
Philip Barton
Saturday 10th August 2019 at 9:52 am
I thought the piece said each house has spaces for 3 cars. Strange to make your objection based on 2. I fear we're losing, have lost, the battle on large houses being replaced but the demand is for smaller properties, smaller gardens, plus newer environmental standards and I thought in line with ROW strategy on infill rather than Greenfield.
Richard Armstead
Saturday 10th August 2019 at 2:04 pm
Hi Philip

The Local Plan housing requirements up to 2030 for Wilmslow have already been exceeded, including the increased 'flexibility' factor. When does windfall/infill become unsustainable development by another name?