Decision due on plans for improvements at Browns Lane playing fields

Plans for improvements to the recreation area at Browns Lane are set to be determined by the Strategic Planning Board next week.

Ansa Environmental Services, which is wholly owned and controlled by Cheshire East Council, are proposing to improve the facilities on the site to make it more accessible and provide more opportunities for recreation.

The scheme includes the provision of a path network, including a shared cycle and footpath with lighting, a new play area, a new drainage system, a multi-use games area (MUGA) and a football pitch, as well as new seating and fencing. The proposed play equipment includes a basket swing, spinnee roundabout, turtle springer, two multi use climbing units and cradle swings.

The improvements to the Browns Lane Recreation Area are being funded by S106 contributions in connection with the Jones Homes development off Adlington Road and the Oaklands School development.

Thirteen letters were received in regard this application, 10 of which were objections to the development on the following grounds: the site has received very little maintenance in recent years; proposed drainage scheme may risk Browns Lane section flooding further; trees on northern boundary and all the margins are important habitat for bats and reptiles; location of MUGA; 3m high fence will be an eyesore; hard surface of MUGA goes against character of green space; introduction of road light is inappropriate and will cast light into bedrooms; benches will encourage noisy teenagers gathering; the MUGA will lead to increased anti social behaviour and is overbearing on neighbouring properties.

The planning officer is recommending the revised plans for approval at the Strategic Planning meeting on Wednesday, 10th July, stating "The concerns raised in the letters of representation and by Environmental Health are acknowledged however having regard to the established use of the existing site, which could just as easily attract noisy users during unsociable hours as the proposed development and the distance of the unlit MUGA to residential properties, the proposal is not considered to have a significant impact upon the living conditions of neighbours.

"Similarly the visual impact of the proposal is considered to be acceptable in its context and the retention of existing trees and additional planting will help to soften its visual impact.

"The proposed facilities provide a variety of play and recreational opportunities for use all year round for a range of ages and abilities, and the shared footway / cycleway increases the accessibility between the Adlington Road area and the Dean Row area by means other than the private car. No car parking is provided as this is a local facility serving the adjacent residential areas, but a condition requiring the provision of cycle parking is recommended.

"Additional information is awaited regarding the lighting scheme and its impact upon bat habitat, and subject to the receipt of this information, the proposal will accord with the development plan and represent a sustainable form of development. Accordingly a recommendation of approval is made."

Browns Lane, Planning Applications, Strategic Planning Board


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Howard Piltz
Monday 15th July 2019 at 3:47 pm
In recent days I've heard comments that the Brown's Lane site may prove ideal space for the less-desirable behaviour of some. Whilst this may be true I do not endorse the attitude that this should be excuse-enough to abandon this very worthy ptroject.

May I remind folk old enugh to remember the sunken gardens in Manchester Piccadilly that this area was destroyed using just such a reason and today the whole area is covered in concrete, foul smelling traffic and other equally undesirable 'traffic'

Surely the Brown's Lane project deserves our full support, as well as that of the police.