Student's artwork selected for exhibitions

In the summer artwork from five Year 13 students was selected by the Wilmslow branch the National Association of Decorative and Fine Arts Societies (NADFAS) to be viewed by the Royal Society of British Artists (RBA). for the selection process of a national A Level exhibition to be held in London.

The RBA viewed work from Honor Greenwood, Ellie Prime, Hannah Saks, Alice DuFresne and Lauren Mooney for the selection process of a national A Level exhibition to be held in London.

This year 41 NADFAS Societies submitted 284 works from 73 schools so the RBA council had difficult choices to make.

Wilmslow High School have been informed that Eleanor Prime's 'James' has been selected for the 'Rising Stars' Exhibition to be held in February and then at the RBA's annual show at the Mall Galleries, London from Tuesday 21st March to Saturday 1st April 2017. Ellie, who is now studying for a BA Hons in Fine Art at Newcastle University is elated with the news.

Mrs Bennett (Art Team Leader) said To achieve such impressive examination results is fantastic news for the school and I am extremely proud of the students' achievements. But to achieve national success and the opportunity to showcase our artwork in such a prestigious way is simply amazing.

"Our thanks go to Leonie Jones and her associates at Wilmslow NADFAS for their continued support of the art curriculum.

"Credit also to our students for their continued efforts and the art teachers who have gone above and beyond to ensure that every student's potential is reached. We are an extremely passionate and committed team and thrive on opportunities to showcase our work and talent."

Photos: Artwork from Ellie Prime, Honor Greenwood and Hannah Saks.

Wilmslow High School


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

John Fallows
Wednesday 19th October 2016 at 3:32 pm
How fortunate we are to have such a great school in our community. Providing a first class education (proven by results and anecdote) but also able to nurture high achieving sporting, artistic and musical talents

Congratulations to the students and to the staff who educate, guide, support and encourage them to be 'the best they can be'. It is some years since our own children left but it seems that the school continues to promote high standards in all aspects of its activities.