The Dogfather: Are you your dog's problem?


A huge thank you to everyone who came to my recent behaviour clinics. We raised a heap of money for animal charities and helped some very stressed out dogs.

I saw every age and breed and every dog problem known to man. Nervous dogs, anxious dogs, boisterous dogs and lots of aggression cases. I worked with dogs that didn't like other dogs, dogs that didn't like people and some that couldn't stand either and in every case their behaviour was owner driven.

Of course the owners weren't doing it deliberately, most hadn't realised they were part of the problem but once we changed tactics it became obvious. One lady told me her dog hated black Labradors and would attack on sight. After a few minutes assessing his 'problem' I took my black Lab Cobra out of the truck and walked both dogs together without incident.

Another lady told me her little dog hated men. When her dog trotted along happily with me she said: "That's only because it's you." I recruited a couple of men from the crowd and her dog walked with both of them tail wagging with delight.

The fear and anxiety wasn't in the dogs it was in the owners. Once the dogs transferred to a relaxed handler the 'problem' disappeared.

Some clever owners worked out that keeping their dog focused on them solved a lot of problems. Your dog is never going to run away or refuse to come when called when he's engaged in an activity with you.

Collies and Labs love to retrieve, spaniels and terriers love to hunt (for treats or toys), whippets and lurchers will fly back to you for a rabbit skin on a line.

Dogs are always ready to change... are YOU?

If so come along to one of my classes.

Just click here.  

The Dogfather, Vic Barlow