Get ready to crumble at charity comedy night

Lorraine Bowen holding Casio 1

Lorraine Bowen, David Walliam's golden buzzer winner on this year's Britain's got Talent will be attending a charity event in Wilmslow next month to help raise money for a mental health charity.

The quirky songwriter and performer, will be joining MirthLab for a night of comedy at The Old Dancer on Thursday 1st October. All the money raised on the night will be going to Mind.

MirthLab was set up by Paul Davies after he had a nervous breakdown.

He explained: "Three years ago I had a massive nervous breakdown. After two suicide attempts my life was in shreds, and I needed something to get back into life. Comedy became a form of self-medication."

In addition to a performance from Lorraine Bowen there will be four comics taking to the stage: Pesha Lilly, Dotty Winters, Jamie Hutchinson and Marc Iles.

Paul Davies will be MC for the evening, opening up with comedy based around his own experience of mental health problems.

Paul said "I wanted to raise money for Mind as I have been on a waiting list for almost a year for a service that the NHS can not provide in this area. Without the help and support of the charity I would be dead. Unfortunately I have a 20 year history of depression, suicide and self-harm; as it was left untreated it led to a number of suicide attempts in recent years.

"Mind were able to give myself and my partner a place to talk and find support. Without fund-raising they can't provide services that do save lives. The number of people being treated for depression and mental health problems are rising. The chances are that you or someone close to you will suffer. This is why I wanted to make a difference.

"Not only will you have a great laugh, you will have the chance to change someone's life."

The comedy show in aid of Mind starts at 8:30pm sharp, doors open at 8pm, at The Old Dancer, Wilmslow on Thursday 1st of October. Every penny of the ticket sales goes to Mind.

Tickets priced £8 can be purchased online. Additionally there are 10 exclusive meet and greet tickets on sale, priced £13, which includes entry into a prize draw to win the signed ironing board that Lorraine will be playing on the night.



Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Stuart Redgard
Wednesday 30th September 2015 at 2:09 pm
This is a great idea but I cannot make it due to a prior commitment.

For anybody who suffers with a mental health illness of any type there is a Peer Support Group that meets on the first Tuesday of every month between 5pm and 6pm at the URC Church Hall Chapel Lane Wilmslow.

The next meeting is on Tuesday 5th October.

For more details contact