Wilmslow goes blooming potty

As part of Wilmslow's entry into this year's North West In Bloom competition a row of planted toilets have been placed on South Drive.

Located outside the old toilet block, the six loos have been planted with flowers to fit in with this year's theme of Upcycling Wilmslow.

Sponsored by Wilmslow In Bloom team they have been planted by Turners Nursery with each one in a different colour.

They have even been given names:

Red - Hot to Trot

Orange - Ring of Fire

Yellow - If it's Yellow Let it Mellow

Blue - B - loo - tiful

Purple - The Poop-le Loo

Pink - What a Pink!

The judges will be in Wilmslow on Thursday, 23rd July to consider the quality and imagination of the planting, the cleanliness of the town centre and how the local community are managing their local environment.

Wilmslow in Bloom


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below.

Chris Hayes
Monday 20th July 2015 at 7:46 pm
How very amusing! What a pity the toilet block was closed down!