The Dogfather: Is it a training problem or a management issue?


Some of the behaviours owners complain about are not training problems but management issues. There is no training programme on earth that will prevent an unsupervised dog stealing food left unattended. Some older dogs may be insufficiently motivated to make the effort but a healthy young dog is never going to leave a roast chicken sitting on the table while you take a shower.

House training is certainly a management issue and rubbing your dog's nose in his own mess and expecting him to know why is an exercise in futility. Dogs are creatures of habit and hate soiling their own space. If you restrict them to a confined area and take them out on a regular basis for toilet duty they will soon learn the routine. If, however, you allow them the run of the house and have no fixed timetable you'll be toilet training for years.

No dog should ever be left to roam around outside the house without supervision. It's a sure way to invite trouble. I once left my young dog in our totally enclosed garden whilst I ate breakfast. Everything was fine until he spotted a squirrel running across next-door's lawn and jumped over the adjoining five-foot fence to give chase.

That was entirely down to my poor management. I should not have left my dog in the garden unattended.

However, misbehaving when supervised, IS a training issue and dogs need to be taught that chasing animals and birds is not permitted. I correct all my young dogs the moment they show any interest in rabbits, squirrels or livestock so they grow up understanding they are out of bounds.

For owners who believe locking the dog out or confining their dog to another room is the answer to bad behaviour... forget it. The 'naughty step' doesn't work on dogs.

You can read more training tips on my website or text me direct on 075 905 60012.

The Dogfather, Vic Barlow