Wilmslow Town Council Annual Meeting

Monday, 21st May, 2018 7:30pm

To be held at 7.30pm at the United Reformed Church Meeting Rooms on Chapel Lane
The press and members of the public are welcome to attend.

To elect the Chairman for the Council year and receive the Chairman's Declaration of Office.
To receive apologies for absence.
To note Declarations of Members' Interests and if appropriate any member requests for Dispensation under section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.
To elect the Vice- Chairman for the year and to receive the Vice-Chairman's declaration of office.
To receive an address from the newly elected Chairman.
To consider approval and authorise the signing of the minutes of the meeting dated 16 April 2018 (attachment).
Public Participation – A period of not more than ten minutes will be made available for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments.
To review the Terms of Reference of Committees (attachments).
To appoint the membership of Council Committees
To appoint Council representatives to outside bodies
To note and consider the re-adoption of the Standing Orders (attachment).
To note insurance cover provision (attachment)
To review and consider the appointment of bank signatories.
To note and re-adopt the Code of Conduct (attachment).
To review and readopt the Council Complaints Procedure (attachment)
To consider the adoption of a Document Retention Policy (attachment)
To consider the adoption of a Data Protection Policy (attachment)
To set the Council and Committee Meeting dates for 2018.19 (attachment).
To receive a report from the Planning Committee and adoption of the latest approved minutes dated 11 & 23 April 2018 (attachments).
To receive a report from the Finance Committee and adoption of the latest approved minutes dated 26 March 2018 (attachment).
To receive a report from the Community and Order Committee and adoption of the latest approved minutes dated 19 March 2018 (attachment).
To consider recommendations from the Community & Order Committee relating to expenditure items.
To receive a report from the Town Clerk.
To confirm the date of the next meeting as 18 June 2018.
