Annual Town Meeting of Wilmslow

Thursday, 24th Apr, 2014 7:00pm

To be held at 7.00pm at Wilmslow Parish Hall.

The press and members of the public are invited to attend.


Apologies for absence.

To approve the minutes of the Annual Town Meeting held on 25 April 2013.

To consider any questions relating to Town Council matters.

To invite any Wilmslow groups present to report on their activities during the year.

To receive an Annual Report from the Chairman of the Town Council 2013.14.

To receive reports from the Town Council Committees.

To receive a financial report (subject to audit) of the Town Council for the year 2013.14.

To note the attendance record of Town Council Members.


Only registered local electors can vote on any item

Only registered local electors may speak unless the meeting agrees otherwise

All those present will be asked for their name and address when speaking
